Unearthing the Kizh Nation-Gabrieleño Legacy: Mapping Los Angeles’ Ancient Landscape


The “Mapping Los Angeles Landscape History” project is a groundbreaking collaboration between the Kizh-Gabrieleño, alongside researchers from USC, UCLA, and Cal State. Through a meticulous examination of oral histories, remote sensing data, historical maps, and other sources, the project seeks to shed light on the major settlements and interconnected pathways that once thrived within the Los Angeles Basin.

Driven by a shared desire to foster a deeper understanding of the region’s rich cultural heritage, the project delves into the ways in which Native Americans interacted with and shaped the natural environment for millennia. The culmination of this collective effort is a captivating collection of highly detailed three-dimensional digital maps that chart prehistoric human interactions with the environment at six significant village sites: Humaliwo (Malibu), Siutcanga (Encino), Achoicomenga (San Fernando), Yaangna (Los Angeles), Shevaanga (Whittier Narrows), and Povuu’unga (Long Beach).

By bringing to light the profound impact that Native Americans had on the Los Angeles landscape, the “Mapping Los Angeles Landscape History” project serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring legacy of these communities. As we navigate the complexities of the present, it is essential to acknowledge and honor the deep-rooted connections that have existed between humans and the natural world since time immemorial.

You can find the full article linked below.
